I’ve been meditating recently on God’s omnipresence—that He is present in all places at all times.
I take great comfort in this because sometimes I feel overwhelmed and underappreciated in my role as a stay-at-home mom. It feels good to know that God sees the hard work I do. God sees when I’m changing the third poopy diaper of the day. He sees when I’m so tired that I’m not sure I have the energy to make dinner for my family. He sees when I wipe up the floor beneath the highchair for what has to be the millionth time. He sees when I die to myself over and over again in order to do what is right for my children.
In addition to being comforting, the knowledge that God always sees me is a little disconcerting. God sees when I lose patience and raise my voice at my daughter. He sees when I turn to chocolate to handle a stressful situation instead of turning to Him. He sees when I put off cleaning the bathroom by indulging in an episode (or two) of a TV show. He sees when I judge the parenting decisions made by other moms.
As wondrous as it is that He sees all of this, it’s only the beginning. God doesn’t simply observe us from a distance so He can take note of the right and wrong things we do. He is with us.
He’s with us to bring peace to chaotic situations (John 14:27). He’s with us to bring strength when we’re weak (2 Corinthians 12:9-11). He’s with us to provide wisdom (James 1:5). He’s with us to help us take our thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5). He’s with us to help with whatever we need (Philippians 4:19). He cares about us and every aspect of our lives.
You may or may not face challenges as a stay-at-home mom. Your challenges may be associated with your role as wife, employee, friend, sister, or something else. Whatever it is that you’re facing, remember that God sees and that He is with you.
What challenges are before you today? What are you going to do to remind yourself that God is with you?
Shared at the following link parties:
Making Your Home Sing, Monday’s Musings, Titus 2 Tuesday, WholeHearted Wednesday, Word Filled Wednesday, and Living Proverbs 31.
Very well said! I’ve always loved reading the Gospels, and seeing how Jesus went through difficult situations too (from having one of his best friends die to the agony and suffering He underwent for us), because it helps me to unite myself to Him in all of the rough and difficult moments-and I realize that He’s right here, offering the grace to help me through it all 🙂
Hi AnneMarie,
Yes, the Gospels are a great place to be reminded of this!
Great post and yes He is with us ALWAYS. We have to cling to that to get us thru the valleys. Those poopie diapers will be over soon and trust me those babies will be grown up and you will actually miss it, and that’s why I am enjoying poopie diapers from my grandsons now.
Hi Debbie,
I try to remind myself of this and soak in every moment!
As I wiped my daughter’s booster seat and then the table after dinner for what seemed like the millionth time in my life, I felt like this is a never ending task and let myself get frustrated. Then out of nowhere my husband thanks me for always taking care of the things that he takes for granted. He reminded me that all my work around the house may seem to go unnoticed but sometimes it does “hit” him and he lovingly thanks me when I am least expecting it. Just that simple thank you is a way that I feel that God is telling me that what I’m doing is important, that He always sees and to keep on serving.
What a sweet story, Ana! Kudos to your husband for speaking up about how grateful he is that you do these things.
It’s wonderful how God often uses other people to encourage us in this way!
Great post! So encouraging and what a beautiful reminder! It is a constant amazement to me that the Lord of all, my Creator is with me every moment of the day. Thank you for sharing this!
Hi Haley,
It’s hard to fathom, isn’t it? It’s such an encouragement, though, to be reminded of it.
Yes, God is with us! We may think we can hide, but we can’t. And, I’m glad.
My biggest challenge today is: spending more time with God. And, letting Him grow my blog. He knows what He wants to impart to the readers.
I’m glad, too, Tammy!
Grace as you spend time with the Lord and allow Him to work through you to bless your readers.
I recently heard a challenge: what if we fell in love with the things we have to do everyday? That simple statement has been helping me cope with several situations. There is such comfort in knowing that He is always *right there*. I couldn’t get through my days without that peace. I have reminded my Sunday School kids on numerous occasions to work as if you were doing the job for the Lord… even if it is folding your dad’s undershorts! I need that reminder sometimes, too!
That’s a great challenge, Jenn! Indeed, we are supposed to do everything as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23), but so often it is hard to do this with joy and enthusiasm. Thanks for this reminder and for sharing the challenge with us!
Overwhelmed and underappreciated.
These are very descriptive terms for the SAHM, and it’s so comforting to know that we “work for the Lord and not for men” when we are doing what we do with all our hearts!
Yes, Michele, it is! Colossians 3:23 is such a meaningful verse.