Though last week’s post was pretty ordinary, it was special for me. When I published it, I reached a milestone: 1,000 posts! When I began Of The Hearth nearly a decade ago, I had no idea what the coming years would hold.
I knew very little about blogging or HTML code when I began. As I’ve learned and as my life has changed (having 3 kids, moving across the country, etc.), there have been changes to the look of the site and the content of my posts. Thank you for joining me through all of this! It is because of you that Of The Hearth is a success.
I will be making some updates to Of The Hearth over the coming months. Many of these will be cosmetic, but I will also be updating individual posts that I published in the past. I hope these updates go smoothly, but if there happen to be hiccups when you visit, you’ll know what is happening!
My favorite posts
One thing that has always surprised me is that the posts I love the most are often only moderately popular with you. On the other hand, posts that I find moderately interesting are often very popular with readers! There are exceptions to this, of course, but it’s a pattern I’ve seen. Here are some of my personal favorites.
Take Heart, Mama: 5 Truths that Will Transform Your Mothering
Most popular posts
Based on page views, here are my posts that are most popular with all of you!
Cleaning Schedule Architecture: Building One that Works for You
The Best Ways to Ease Symptoms of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
What To Do With Baby: A Guide to Developmentally Appropriate Play
Concluding thoughts
Publishing posts here is truly a labor of love. I’m honored that you value my thoughts and ideas enough to read. What will I write about in my next 1,000 posts? Only God knows, but I’m grateful to have you along for the journey!
Congratulations, Shannon !! Awesome Milestone!
Thank you!