When I first became a stay-at-home mom, I was surprised at how lonely I felt. I was never alone because I had a little baby with me all of the time, but the only adult I had daily contact with was my husband.
As time has passed and we’ve moved to a new community, I’ve discovered a number of ways that stay-at-home moms can connect with each other.
How to connect with other stay-at-home moms
- Reach out to stay-at-home moms who you already know. It’s likely you know at least one other woman who is a stay-at-home mom. You may not be friends with her, but you have some sort of contact. She may be a member of your church, a former coworker, an attendee of your aerobics class, etc. Reach out to this woman and see if you can hang out or meet for lunch sometime. Like you, she may be eager for fellowship!
- Take your kids to story time at the library. Story time at the local library benefits moms as much as it does kids! While your little ones are enjoying a story read by someone other than you, take the opportunity to introduce yourself to other moms and form connections. Once you get to know each other, you can make plans to get together outside of the library.
- Visit places where you’ll find kids and their moms. Libraries aren’t the only locations where you’ll find kids and their moms. You’ll often find them in settings like playgrounds, children’s museums, and community recreation centers. By visiting these, you’ll have numerous opportunities to connect with other moms.
- Attend meetings of national mom organizations. Sometimes the easiest way to meet other stay-at-home moms is to attend formal meetings for moms, including those hosted by national mom groups such as MOPS, La Leche League, and MOMS Club. These organizations provide a structured, supportive, and fun way to get to know other moms.
- Look online for groups that meet virtually or in person. The internet can be a great place to start when looking for fellowship with other moms. By joining stay-at-home mom groups on social media or finding local interest groups with an online tool like meetup.com, you can connect with other moms. Some of these groups only share fellowship online, but many get together in person for activities.
- Start your own hobby or interest group. If you’re not aware of a group you can join for fellowship, you can always start your own! It can be a group for other stay-at-home moms or a group for others who share an interest with you (scrapbooking, sewing, running, etc.). Let your neighbors and friends know about the group, hang informational posters on community bulletin boards, and promote the group on social media.
- Just get out of the house. It’s uncertain if the above strategies will help you meet other stay-at-home moms or not, but it is certain that you won’t meet other moms if you don’t leave your home. It’s critical that you get out and about in order to find fellowship. You may meet other moms in the checkout line at the grocery store, while looking at produce at the farmer’s market, or while going on a walk. Keep your eyes open for these opportunities because you never know when you’ll meet a new friend.
In this post I specifically noted ways that stay-at-home moms can connect with each other, but this doesn’t mean that stay-at-home moms and working moms or stay-at-home moms and childless women can’t also connect and be friends. These friendships often form out of other locations and activities, though, so I haven’t focused on these here.
Are you friends with other stay-at-home moms? If so, how did you meet these women?
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Monday’s Musings, Titus 2 Tuesday, Titus 2sday, Tuesday Talk, Coffee and Conversation, Shine Blog Hop, Funtastic Friday, Friday Frivolity, Small Victories Sunday, and The Art of Home-Making.
These are all awesome ideas! I definitely think the point of “Just get out of the house” is really good. So often, it seems that it takes so much effort and energy to leave the house that stay-at-home moms will just stay home. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it is very good and healthy to get into another setting and meet other people. You never know what kinds of interactions or friendships could spring up while searching the bookshelves at the library, or while taking a walk at a local park!
I think getting out is critical, AnneMarie. It is often difficult, especially when you have a newborn or a child who is fussy. However, it’s generally very rewarding!
Just today while on a walk my daughter and I met another one of our neighbors (she lives several houses down the block from us). It was great to connect with another family in our neighborhood. She’s quite busy, so we might not have met for some time if not for our encounter today.
I actually loved being alone. Still do. I have never felt the “lonely as a mom” thing that you and many talk about. However, I do love my bff mom friend. She and I do a kid swap once a week. It is nice to see a friend once a week outside of the craziness of church. We usually hang out for awhile over lunch while our kids eat or play a little before the mom who had the morning off has to head back home. It’s kind of perfect. Some socialization and kid-free time wrapped up in one. 🙂 (visiting from Monday’s Musings)
Hi Julie,
I’m glad you shared this. Honestly, I don’t think I know any stay-at-home moms that haven’t experienced some sort of loneliness, so I’m glad you are able to provide a different perspective!
It sounds like you get some great fellowship and a nice break with this friend you mention.
As a stay at home mom of four, once we had our last two (twins) people stopping hanging out with us and stopped offering babysitting, so it got very lonely so I started blogging and reaching out here and there to other moms only to be disappointed. I have learned to try and hang out one-on-one with my college and childhood friends when my husband can watch the kiddos but I fear my four kids intimidate others or something, which is sad. I love how blogging provides that outlet when nothing else has. Thanks for sharing these tips though.
Rachel xo
Rachel xo
Hi Rachel,
It’s really frustrating that a change in your stage of life or the size of your family can have this outcome, isn’t it? Blogging does help some. I really think your strategy of hanging out with your friends one-on-one when your husband can watch the kids is great!
Shannon, stay-at-home moms feel so isolated and the days so long, I remember this well! My daughter is experiencing this with the new baby (added to the 2-yo) and I encourage her to connect regularly with friends as you mentioned. Our church recently started a mom time out group and I’m thankful, because she needs that connection. Facebook groups are a good idea too as you said.
All practical, helpful tips – as always, Shannon! Always good to see you at Tuesday Talk!
It’s interesting, Ruthie, that this experience of isolation is similar to what women have experienced for generations! The mom time out group sounds great.
These are great ideas, Shannon. I totally understand what you mean about being lonely as a stay at home mom, and it was hard the first few months to be without adult contact, but now I’m learning. I’m glad you mentioned story time at the library. I’ve been taking my daughter there since she was 9 months old and I’ve established very good contacts with other parents just through that. Blogging is another great way I stay connected. Joining groups and conversations on social media or other platforms have allowed me to talk to other moms and parents as well. Thanks for such a thoughtful post. Saying hello from Tuesday Talk!
Hi Maria,
I just love story time! I’m not sure who benefits more from it…me or her!
I remember those days like they were yesterday and guess what, it reverses itself when you get older. Yes! After the kids are grown and gone, if you haven’t cultivated relationships all through raising the kiddos, life gets lonely again. Great tips offered to women here. Thanks for sharing with us on Tuesday Talk this week.
Wonderful insight, Michelle! I’m so glad you shared this. All the more reason to find ways to connect now. 🙂
I don’t have very many stay at home mom friends. I think it’s because my days are consumed with homeschooling, homemaking, and work.
You’ve provided some great suggestions here – I’ll have to try some out!
Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).
Wishing you a lovely Easter weekend.
Thanks for stopping by, Jennifer. I think being busy probably adds to the challenge.
Many of the moms I hang out with today I met at a breast feeding support group at the local hospital. 8 years later they are still my dearest friends. Thanks for sharing on #FridayFrivolity
Hi Audrey,
8 years? That’s amazing! It’s great to hear that this support group yielded meaningful relationships.
All great suggestions. But “Get out of the house” is the best! Even if you don’t find a friend that day, you’ll feel better for getting out!
Friday Frivolity
Hi Melinda,
I’ve found this to be so true in my life!
These are such great tips! I really struggle with this, partially because I always feel like the
other moms I meet are older and not really interested in hanging out with me aha I need to get out of my own mind and get out there!
This seems to be common. Younger moms feel out of place with older moms and older moms feel out of place with younger moms.
We just need to get out there and keep trying! 🙂
Great advice, Shannon. I remember the years I was a stay-at-home mom fondly. Thanks for sharing at Funtastic Friday:).
Thanks for stopping by, Donna. I was pleased to share my ideas.
Just moved to a new town Safford AZ and this advise is great will follow it to see if I
make some friends
I hope you make some great ones, Precious!