“Just you wait until…” I cringe when I hear those words. Why? The vast majority of the time they are followed by doom and gloom advice. Sometimes it’s the veteran wife to the newlywed: “Just you wait until you’ve been married for a few years. He’ll stop making romantic gestures and you’ll by annoyed by the quirks you think are cute now.” … [Read more...] about That It May Benefit Those Who Listen: The Harm of Doom and Gloom Advice
Rampant Reusing: Plastic Milk Jugs
When I was a child my family had milk delivered to our home from a local dairy. Every week a driver would bring milk in glass bottles and place them in the wooden box on our front step. The first cup of milk out of the bottle always tasted heavenly! Unfortunately, those days are long gone. I now live in a somewhat urban area. I don’t … [Read more...] about Rampant Reusing: Plastic Milk Jugs
Navigating the Nutrition Maze: Cereal Killers
When I’m hungry for a snack, few things can satiate my hunger like sweet, crunchy breakfast cereal with cold milk poured over the top. Unfortunately, many breakfast cereals that are rich in taste are quite poor in nutrition. In fact, many of them are so awful that it might be more apt to title this post Killer Cereals instead of Cereal … [Read more...] about Navigating the Nutrition Maze: Cereal Killers
Christmas in July: Ways to Save Money on Christmas Travel
Welcome to the final installment of Christmas in July 2013. You can read about the purpose of Christmas in July here. Links to the previous posts in the series are located at the bottom of this post. My husband and I spent some time this last weekend trying to iron out our travel plans for the Christmas holiday. Travel can be so … [Read more...] about Christmas in July: Ways to Save Money on Christmas Travel
Modern Lessons from Wartime Rationing
From 1941 to 1945, while the U.S. was involved in World War II, Americans experienced shortages of raw materials and consumer goods. To avert a potential economic crisis, the U.S. government instituted a rationing system. The government distributed impressive propaganda materials to garner compliance with the rationing and to bolster … [Read more...] about Modern Lessons from Wartime Rationing
Christmas in July: Alternative Gift Exchange Ideas
Welcome to the fourth installment of Christmas in July 2013. You can read about the purpose of Christmas in July here. Links to the previous posts in the series are located at the bottom of this post. Have you ever experienced frustration, embarrassment, or other unpleasant emotions because your family didn’t discuss or didn’t agree … [Read more...] about Christmas in July: Alternative Gift Exchange Ideas
Does Buying in Bulk Create Waste?
Whether it is colossal chunks of cheese, behemoth bags of beans, or cavernous cartons of cream, bulk purchases often have lower per unit costs. At first glance it appears these purchases will save money, but what if bulk purchases precipitate enough waste to negate this savings? I’ve recently examined 3 types of waste that can result … [Read more...] about Does Buying in Bulk Create Waste?
Mustering Enthusiasm for Ordinary Tasks
Our days are comprised of ordinary tasks: cooking meals, doing laundry, washing dishes, etc. Last month my husband had several days off of work and we had a family member visit, so I had several atypical days during which I didn’t complete a lot of these ordinary tasks. Now that the excitement has died down, I’m really struggling to muster … [Read more...] about Mustering Enthusiasm for Ordinary Tasks