One by one I’m trying the cookies on my Christmas Cookie Bucket List. I tried the Neapolitan Bars last year, but I thought they took too much work for the flavor that resulted. I really like the appearance of a tricolored cookie bar, though, so I’ve made over the recipe so the bars are easy to make and have a tasty flavor. Ingredients 2 … [Read more...] about Festive Christmas Cookie Bars
Soup, Stew, Chowder, Bisque, or Chili?
I generally consider winter to be “soup season.” Subsequently, I’ve been looking over a lot of soup recipes as I plan my winter menu. In addition to soups, I’ve seen recipes for stews, chowders, bisques, and chilies. Many of these recipes look similar, so how can we tell these different varieties of “soup” apart? What makes them … [Read more...] about Soup, Stew, Chowder, Bisque, or Chili?
FUNtastic Tools for Teaching Toddlers About Shapes
When my oldest daughter was 18 months old, we gave her a puzzle that featured 8 common shapes. Within days she was able to identify a couple of them. However, it took her a little longer to learn the remaining shapes and to differentiate between similar ones (e.g., square and rectangle). Thankfully, we discovered many fun, useful … [Read more...] about FUNtastic Tools for Teaching Toddlers About Shapes
Wonderful Gifts for Entire Families
It seems that my husband and I struggle every year to come up with ideas for Christmas gifts that will be appreciated by their recipients and fit within our budget. Sometimes the best solution is to use some sort of alternative gift exchange. This year I’ve had another idea that I think is going to work out well: Instead of buying or … [Read more...] about Wonderful Gifts for Entire Families
Where to Find Meal Ideas and Recipes When Menu Planning
Sometimes I draw a blank when I sit down to plan a new menu for my family. I’ll want to try something new, but nothing comes to mind. It seems I’m not the only one who experiences this. Becca emailed me with the following question: “I know you plan your menus with an entire month’s meals. Where do you come up with the meal ideas? I … [Read more...] about Where to Find Meal Ideas and Recipes When Menu Planning
DIY Jesse Tree Ornaments
As I noted when I wrote last summer about Christ-focused Advent traditions, the Jesse Tree is one of my favorite parts of Christmas. A Jesse Tree helps families reflect on the people, prophesies, and events that preceded Christ’s birth. There is one Jesse Tree reading for each day of Advent. These readings are from the Bible and each is … [Read more...] about DIY Jesse Tree Ornaments
Nipping Discontentedness in the Bud
My mind was swarming with negative thoughts as we drove to church a few weeks ago. I wish I had more time to get things done. I wish my infant would nap for longer stretches. I wish my husband would help out a little more around the house. Though these thoughts were about different things, they were all rooted in discontent. Like many … [Read more...] about Nipping Discontentedness in the Bud
Healthier Versions of Your Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes
On Thanksgiving Day around here, no one wonders how many calories are in the sweet potato soufflé or if the rolls were prepared with whole wheat flour. What my family members want to know is what time dinner will be served and what flavors of pie were prepared for dessert. However, just because Thanksgiving is a day for feasting doesn’t … [Read more...] about Healthier Versions of Your Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes