Whether it is colossal chunks of cheese, behemoth bags of beans, or cavernous cartons of cream, bulk purchases often have lower per unit costs. At first glance it appears these purchases will save money, but what if bulk purchases precipitate enough waste to negate this savings? I’ve recently examined 3 types of waste that can result … [Read more...] about Does Buying in Bulk Create Waste?
Keeping the Home
Mustering Enthusiasm for Ordinary Tasks
Our days are comprised of ordinary tasks: cooking meals, doing laundry, washing dishes, etc. Last month my husband had several days off of work and we had a family member visit, so I had several atypical days during which I didn’t complete a lot of these ordinary tasks. Now that the excitement has died down, I’m really struggling to muster … [Read more...] about Mustering Enthusiasm for Ordinary Tasks
The Lowdown on Microfiber Cloths
Microfiber cloths have bourgeoned in popularity in recent years. I’ve heard them described in a number of ways: amazing, awful, soft, rough, environmentally friendly, bad for the environment, etc. With descriptors that are this conflicting, it’s hard to determine if these cloths are something you should be using. While I’ve had several … [Read more...] about The Lowdown on Microfiber Cloths
Quick Jambalaya
My husband enjoys the taste of Cajun food every once in a while. I used elements from several recipes to create a version that I can make with ingredients I have on hand for this summer’s menu. My apologies to Cajun food enthusiasts—I realize this dish isn’t very authentic! Regardless, we’ve enjoyed the convenience and spicy taste of … [Read more...] about Quick Jambalaya
Sloppy Joe Macaroni & Cheese
No, you’re not experiencing déjà vu. This is indeed another variation of homemade macaroni and cheese! Unlike the Italian and Mexican varieties I’ve already shared, this version contains meat. Like the other varieties, this version is delicious, easy to prepare, and affordable. Ingredients 3 cups macaroni, uncooked measure 4 cups … [Read more...] about Sloppy Joe Macaroni & Cheese
Frugal TIPbits: Ways to Salvage Bruised Fruit
Sometimes it’s a rogue apple that rolls off the counter onto the tile floor. Sometimes it’s a carefully selected peach that is carelessly bagged by a supermarket cashier. Sometimes it’s a forgotten plum that becomes squashed in the back of the produce drawer. Whatever the cause, bruised pieces of fruit are unsightly and, in many cases, … [Read more...] about Frugal TIPbits: Ways to Salvage Bruised Fruit
Easy Tortellini Tomato Soup
All of us need a few quick, easy-to-prepare recipes in our repertoires. This is one of those recipes. I came up with it several weeks ago when we were low on groceries and I needed to quickly prepare a meal. Surprisingly, we enjoyed the result so much that I put it on our menu for this summer. Ingredients 32 oz. chicken broth 1 cup … [Read more...] about Easy Tortellini Tomato Soup
Common Housekeeping Conundrums: Rust in Bathtubs and Sinks
My husband and I purchased our house last year. A new bathtub was installed by the previous owner right before we made the purchase. Unfortunately, during the short time the house stood vacant before we moved in, a spot of rust developed in the tub where some water had pooled around the drain. Why did pooled water cause rust to form? … [Read more...] about Common Housekeeping Conundrums: Rust in Bathtubs and Sinks