I used to hold my breath every time my 3-year-old would carry her plate from the table into the kitchen. I wasn’t concerned about her getting food on the floor, but I was certain she’d drop her plate and we’d spend the next half hour cleaning up broken glass. Yes, my children (currently ages 3 years and 23 months) use glass dishes. I … [Read more...] about Why Give Kids Glass Dishes Instead of Plastic Ones
Raising an Inheritance
Why Kids Desperately Need Outdoor Play
I have a love-hate relationship with outdoor play for my kids. I love it because they get to run around, climb, and get fresh air. It’s challenging, though, because sometimes it seems like it takes forever to apply sunscreen and get their shoes on, not to mention that here on the Texas Gulf Coast we have a lot of bugs (mosquitoes, fire ants, … [Read more...] about Why Kids Desperately Need Outdoor Play
17 Bible Verses to Encourage Dads
Five weeks ago I shared 16 Bible verses to encourage moms. That week we were celebrating and encouraging moms for Mother’s Day. This week we’re celebrating and encouraging dads for Father’s Day, so I’m sharing Bible verses to encourage dads. The words of Scripture are a powerful way to provide encouragement. As you can imagine, the … [Read more...] about 17 Bible Verses to Encourage Dads
Chores or No Chores? Which is Best for Kids?
It doesn’t take long after becoming a parent to realize that there are a lot of parenting controversies out there. For example, parents of infants will butt heads over topics like breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding and sleep training vs. not sleep training. Now that my oldest has left the baby and toddler years, I’m encountering new … [Read more...] about Chores or No Chores? Which is Best for Kids?
Why and How to Share Tough Bible Stories with Kids
The Bible is full of stories that encourage us, show us how much God loves us, and leave us feeling inspired. However, it is also full of stories that depict violence, speak of curses, and leave us struggling to remember that God is good and just. I find it a little difficult to share these latter stories with my kids! In the past, I often … [Read more...] about Why and How to Share Tough Bible Stories with Kids
Is it Truly Beneficial for Kids to Stay in Rear-Facing Car Seats for so Long?
When I put my kids in our vehicle, I sometimes get questions or comments from friends and family members about my 3-year-old. “Isn’t she a little big to be in that car seat?” “She doesn’t look very comfortable.” “Wouldn’t she rather be facing the front so she can see better?” Folks ask these questions because my 3-year-old is … [Read more...] about Is it Truly Beneficial for Kids to Stay in Rear-Facing Car Seats for so Long?
16 Bible Verses to Encourage Moms
All moms need encouragement. It doesn’t matter if her kids are young or grown and it doesn’t matter if she has one kid or a dozen. Each and every mom you know could use a few words of encouragement! One powerful way to provide encouragement is to share words from Scripture. The Bible has many encouraging things to say to moms. I’ve … [Read more...] about 16 Bible Verses to Encourage Moms
Why Minivans are Really Cool Vehicles
A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I reached a new milestone in our lives as parents: We purchased a minivan. Many couples shudder at the thought of driving a minivan. In fact, just a couple of days before we purchased our van, I saw this bumper sticker on a minivan parked in the grocery store parking lot. I’ll concede that they … [Read more...] about Why Minivans are Really Cool Vehicles