Around the age of 3 or 4 years, most kids stop taking an afternoon nap. The cessation of naps is often difficult on kids and on their parents. It’s difficult for kids because many of them aren’t ready to give up the nap entirely. They may not need a long nap, but they still need a brief period of sleep or a time of quiet rest (while … [Read more...] about How to Institute a Rest Time When Young Kids Stop Napping
Raising an Inheritance
16 Easy, Nutritious, and Kid-Friendly Lunch Ideas
It’s often difficult for me to get a nutritious meal on the table for lunch. I don’t always have a lot of time to dedicate to preparing lunch. When I do have plenty of time, I’m often distracted because I have two young kids vying for my attention. A few weeks ago, I began searching for easy and nutritious lunch ideas. Here are 16 of the … [Read more...] about 16 Easy, Nutritious, and Kid-Friendly Lunch Ideas
5 Ways to Keep Kids Engaged During Family Devotions
Last week we discussed why family devotions benefit our kids, even when our kids are wiggly and distracted through them. Today we’ll consider some ways we can minimize the wiggles and still their wondering minds so our kids stay engaged during family devotions. How to keep kids engaged during family devotions Make devotions part … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Keep Kids Engaged During Family Devotions
Encouragement for When Your Family Devotions Look Like a Circus
A few months ago, as we ate oatmeal for breakfast, I read to my girls about Moses and the burning bush. My 3-year-old appeared deep in thought. When she spoke as I paused to turn a page, her statement left me speechless: “I know, mommy, let’s have doughnuts!” I wasn’t speechless because she shared some deep insight or asked an … [Read more...] about Encouragement for When Your Family Devotions Look Like a Circus
Winter Worksheets for Preschoolers
As I did last fall, I’ve created some worksheets to supplement the other materials my preschooler uses as we do preschool at home. This set contains winter-themed images (snowflakes, sweaters, snowmen, hot chocolate, mittens, etc.). (Click on the image below to view and download printable versions of the worksheets.) Even if you’re … [Read more...] about Winter Worksheets for Preschoolers
18 Children’s Books that Feature Multiracial Families
Last fall, as Thanksgiving neared, I was reading to my children numerous books on the topic of giving thanks. I was pleasantly surprised when we opened one of these books and saw that it featured a mixed-race family. Up until that point, I had seen very few children’s books that feature families like mine (a black parent and a white … [Read more...] about 18 Children’s Books that Feature Multiracial Families
Take Heart, Mama: 5 Truths that Will Transform Your Mothering
All around me I see fellow moms who are struggling. I see stay-at-home moms who wonder if they would be contributing more to society if they worked and working moms who feel guilty because they spend so much time away from their kids. I see moms who are worried that their choices regarding discipline or schooling will ruin their children. I … [Read more...] about Take Heart, Mama: 5 Truths that Will Transform Your Mothering
Why Board Games are Beneficial for Kids
I have many fun memories of playing board games with my sister when we were growing up. We’d play for hours, sometimes laughing as we made up our own rules and sometimes glowering as we engaged in intense competition. Regardless of what approach we used, we ended up bonding and having fun. Until recently, my little ones were too young … [Read more...] about Why Board Games are Beneficial for Kids