Now that you’ve survived your flight or road trip with baby, you’re facing a new challenge: A hotel stay. Just like when you travel with your infant, you don’t have to merely survive. You can have a truly enjoyable hotel stay. How? Check out these things that we’ve found to be useful. Having a good stay at a hotel with baby Create a … [Read more...] about Tips for Having an Enjoyable Hotel Stay with Your Baby
Raising an Inheritance
Christ-Focused Easter Traditions
For many individuals, the term “Easter” conjures up images of candy-filled eggs, gift baskets, and an anthropomorphic bunny. These cultural traditions often overshadow the fact that Easter is a celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. There is a lot of debate about the origins of these Easter traditions. Some historians cite evidence … [Read more...] about Christ-Focused Easter Traditions
6 Tips for Getting to Church On Time
There are a lot of families with young children in my church. These families are generally easy to identify because we’re the ones straggling in after service has begun! Being prompt is important to me, so I decided to take action when I realized we were falling into a pattern of arriving late for church. If your family struggles to … [Read more...] about 6 Tips for Getting to Church On Time
DIY Flannel Activity Board with House Scene
I made my oldest daughter a flannel activity board last fall. I’d been wanting to make her one for some time because there are so many fun and educational flannel board activities that parents can make for their toddlers and preschoolers to enjoy. In addition to being the foundation for so many activities, flannel boards are affordable … [Read more...] about DIY Flannel Activity Board with House Scene
The Terrific Twos: Why the Toddler Years Aren’t All That Terrible
When we think about toddlers, we often dwell on their challenging traits and behaviors: Throwing fits, being picky eaters, having mercurial moods, etc. These traits earned the toddler years the moniker of “The Terrible Twos.” If we really take a look at our toddlers, though, we’ll quickly see that the toddler years really aren’t that … [Read more...] about The Terrific Twos: Why the Toddler Years Aren’t All That Terrible
Pattern Sheets to Accompany the Green Toys Shape Sorter
My daughters received the Green Toys® Shape Sorter for Christmas. It’s a wonderful toy, but right now it’s a little advanced for my 6-month-old daughter and a little basic for my 2-year-old daughter. I’d like for my older girl to get some use out of it as we wait for my younger girl to be interested in it. (Please note that this post contains … [Read more...] about Pattern Sheets to Accompany the Green Toys Shape Sorter
DIY Splatter Shield for Spraying Cloth Diapers
Cloth diapering an exclusively breastfed infant is really easy. Once a baby starts complimentary foods, though, it becomes a little challenging! This is because diapers covered in soft, water-soluble breast milk poop can go straight into the wash without any special preparation. However, the bulkier poop associated with solid foods must be … [Read more...] about DIY Splatter Shield for Spraying Cloth Diapers
The Best Ways to Ease Symptoms of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
My toddler woke from nap with a fever one day this last fall. By the next morning, she had sores in her mouth and red spots over a good portion of her body. A quick visit to her pediatrician confirmed that she had hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD). Unfortunately, she wasn’t the only one in our family who developed the disease. Within … [Read more...] about The Best Ways to Ease Symptoms of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease