Several months ago my husband and I were visiting with another couple when the wife mentioned she was eager to turn her daughter’s car seat to face forward once she turned one year old. This statement concerned me because I’m familiar with the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendation that babies remain rear-facing in their car seats for … [Read more...] about How to Kindly Bring Safety Issues to the Attention of Other Moms
Raising an Inheritance
Choosing to Have Simple Kids’ Birthday Celebrations
My daughter, Amaris, will turn 1 year old in less than a month. What a bittersweet milestone! Though it may be trendy to celebrate a child’s birthday with an elaborate party that includes a bounce house, mobile petting zoo, food trucks, and party favors, we’re choosing a much simpler approach. We’ll go on an outing as a family and enjoy … [Read more...] about Choosing to Have Simple Kids’ Birthday Celebrations
Finding Peace with the Reality That You Can’t Do It All
A couple of weeks ago my husband started a new job. Instead of seeing him off on his first day with a kiss and an encouraging word, I was asleep in bed. I felt awful when I woke up and realized I had slept through his departure! My 9-month-old daughter was going through a rough phase where she was waking about every two hours. Having … [Read more...] about Finding Peace with the Reality That You Can’t Do It All
Relearning the Roles of Husband and Wife After Becoming Parents
A short time after we had our daughter, I began relating to my husband more as a co-parent than as a wife. I realized this was happening because I no longer looked forward to him coming home in the evening so I could spend time with him. Instead, I was eager for him to come home so that he could help care for our daughter! Though this … [Read more...] about Relearning the Roles of Husband and Wife After Becoming Parents
25 Outdoor Activities for Babies to Enjoy During the Summer
After being cooped up indoors for a good portion of the winter and spring, my daughter and I are loving the summer sunshine and warm temperatures. She’s not capable of running and jumping yet, but that doesn’t mean she can’t enjoy playing outside. There are a number of age-appropriate outdoor activities that infants can take part in … [Read more...] about 25 Outdoor Activities for Babies to Enjoy During the Summer
Why It’s Good for Kids to Roughhouse with Dad
When I leave them alone for a time, I often return to find my husband swinging my daughter around and tossing her up in the air. Though this is sometimes scary for me, my daughter’s smile and giggles indicate she absolutely loves it! Dads often engage in this sort of roughhousing or horseplay with their children. This is challenging for … [Read more...] about Why It’s Good for Kids to Roughhouse with Dad
Common Household Items that Double as Baby Toys
If you’re not careful, having an infant will cost you a small fortune. Some expenses are unavoidable, but many can be avoided. Toys are a great example. Babies don’t need fancy, expensive toys. They’re typically content with the basics: rattles, blocks, balls, blankets, stuffed animals, etc. In fact, if you look around your home, you … [Read more...] about Common Household Items that Double as Baby Toys
Road Tripping with Baby: Tips for an Enjoyable Ride
Don’t you just love road trips—the miles of open road, beautiful scenery, and roadside curiosities to explore during stops? Well, at least that’s how it was before becoming the parent of an infant! Now the list goes something like this: a screaming baby in the backseat, a poopsplosion all over the car seat, and stressed out … [Read more...] about Road Tripping with Baby: Tips for an Enjoyable Ride