It wasn’t until I saw a second line appear on a home pregnancy test that I began to understand just how much anxiety is associated with motherhood. At first it was concerns about the possibility of miscarriage, preterm labor, or stillbirth. These concerns soon gave way to fears about SIDS and apprehension about whether or not to sleep … [Read more...] about Overcoming the Anxieties of Motherhood
Raising an Inheritance
The Importance of Grandparents
My husband and I live far from both of our families. This isn’t ideal for a number of reasons, especially now that we have a child. We’re having to come up with creative ways to help our daughter get to know her relatives, especially her grandparents. Caring, attentive grandparents are incredibly valuable to children. In fact, they can … [Read more...] about The Importance of Grandparents
55 Non-Candy Easter Egg Stuffers
I have friends who used to joke that I was so health-conscious that I would someday find a way to put vegetables in Easter eggs. We all laughed at this, of course, but it’s really not a bad idea! After all, Easter eggs filled with chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, and chick-shaped marshmallows can send kids on candy binges. Fortunately, … [Read more...] about 55 Non-Candy Easter Egg Stuffers
Mom’s Milk Freezer Pops for Teething
My precious girl has been having some cranky days recently because of teething pain. We have some teething toys that can be refrigerated, but these didn’t seem to be doing much to soothe her pain. I’ve heard some mothers say that they freeze washcloths dipped in breast milk or freeze milk onto pacifiers in order to create “momsicles” or … [Read more...] about Mom’s Milk Freezer Pops for Teething
Affording Stay-At-Home Motherhood
I love telling stories about when my husband and I first met. One of the best stories is how he, during our very first interaction, asked me how many children I wanted. His question didn’t bother me and it set the tone for open, honest communication in our relationship. Given this initial discussion, it likely won’t surprise you that we … [Read more...] about Affording Stay-At-Home Motherhood
Choosing What is Better: Finding Time to Spend With the Lord as a Busy Mom
Jesus, while in the home of Mary and Martha, commended Mary for listening at His feet and gently chided Martha for being distracted by all the preparations that had to be made (Luke 10:38-42). In years past it was easy for me to set aside time to read my Bible and pray each day, but now that I face the demands of marriage and motherhood … [Read more...] about Choosing What is Better: Finding Time to Spend With the Lord as a Busy Mom
Tips for Tear-Free Tummy Time
Tummy time—time spent on their bellies instead of on their backs—can be a trial for many babies. When it’s tough on them, it’s also tough on their parents and other caregivers. My daughter, Amaris, used to cry during tummy time. I began experimenting with our approach and searching for ideas on how to make it more tolerable. … [Read more...] about Tips for Tear-Free Tummy Time
Handling the Endless Work of Homemaking
Not long after I got married I realized that the work of a homemaker is never complete. There is no 9-to-5 work schedule. There are no days off for the weekends or holidays. There aren’t even meal breaks. Instead, the sink fills with dishes every day—especially on weekends and holidays. The clothes hamper refills with dirty clothes as … [Read more...] about Handling the Endless Work of Homemaking