Two weeks ago I shared 4 reasons to skip the infant car seat in favor of a convertible one. As I noted in that post, not all convertible car seats are suitable for newborns. However, a great number of convertible car seats are perfect for newborns. How can you tell which are suitable and which aren’t? I’ll share the answer to this … [Read more...] about Convertible Car Seats that are Suitable for Newborns
Raising an Inheritance
4 Reasons to Skip the Infant Car Seat
When you’re purchasing a car seat for a baby, you have two options available to you: A rear-facing infant car seat or a rear-facing convertible car seat that is designed for use with infants. Typically, infant car seats work for babies for a maximum of one year (this will depend on the height and weight limits of a given seat, though there is … [Read more...] about 4 Reasons to Skip the Infant Car Seat
10 Wonderful Children’s Books About Gratitude
In my household, we all love reading. It should come as no surprise that I enjoy using books to introduce new concepts to my kids and to reinforce the concepts we’ve been discussing. It is November, so we’ve been talking a lot about gratitude and giving thanks to God for all He has given us. These are really difficult concepts for young … [Read more...] about 10 Wonderful Children’s Books About Gratitude
6 Wonderful Things About Having Closely Spaced Children
I recently gave birth to my third child. When I saw the positive pregnancy test at the beginning of my pregnancy with her, it didn’t take long for me to realize that my oldest child would be just 3 years of age when the new baby was born. I would have a 3-year-old, a 2-year-old, and a newborn. I felt momentary insecurity, but this was … [Read more...] about 6 Wonderful Things About Having Closely Spaced Children
7 Resources to Help Kids (and Adults) Memorize Scripture
Last week I shared with you A Simple Book of Big Truths for Little Ones, a simple tool I created to help my kiddos memorize Bible verses. Many of you will find it useful when helping your children memorize Scripture. However, some of you won’t find it to be that beneficial. This is typically how things work—different kids have different … [Read more...] about 7 Resources to Help Kids (and Adults) Memorize Scripture
11 Tips That’ll Help You Survive Life with a Newborn
Whether you’ve just given birth to your first child or your sixth one, the newborn period is challenging. You’re recovering from childbirth (unless your newborn was adopted or birthed by a surrogate) while also dealing with midnight feedings, endless diaper changes, periods of unexplained fussiness, sibling adjustment, etc. You need to cut … [Read more...] about 11 Tips That’ll Help You Survive Life with a Newborn
A Simple Tool to Help Little Ones Memorize Scripture
A couple of years ago, when my oldest daughter was just 2 years of age, I was amazed to realize that she could recite the words to Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. At the time, these were her two favorite books. Simply hearing me read the books aloud numerous times was enough repetition for her to commit their words to … [Read more...] about A Simple Tool to Help Little Ones Memorize Scripture
5 Ways Kids Benefit from Scripture Memorization
I make it a priority to memorize Bible verses, but when my oldest child reached a point where she was old enough to begin memorizing verses, I wondered if pushing her to do so was right. After all, kids are just kids. They should be playing, exploring, and having fun. Did sitting her down and making her recite Bible verses take away from these … [Read more...] about 5 Ways Kids Benefit from Scripture Memorization