Not long after I got married I realized that the work of a homemaker is never complete. There is no 9-to-5 work schedule. There are no days off for the weekends or holidays. There aren’t even meal breaks. Instead, the sink fills with dishes every day—especially on weekends and holidays. The clothes hamper refills with dirty clothes as … [Read more...] about Handling the Endless Work of Homemaking
Reflecting on Life
Making Lessons Stick
The last two years I've written year-end posts about the lessons I’ve learned in the preceding 12 months. I could do this again because I’ve learned a number of lessons this past year, but I’m suffering from recency effect—I’m having trouble remembering all but the most recent lessons (this is no doubt due to the demands of caring for my … [Read more...] about Making Lessons Stick
The Miraculous in the Mundane
To the casual observer, the events that surrounded Jesus’ birth seemed pretty unremarkable—a man traveling with his betrothed, a full inn, and a babe lying in a manger. While I’m sure it was not routine for babies to be born in the stable of the inn every day, there was no impressive caravan or pageantry to accompany Jesus as He arrived. These … [Read more...] about The Miraculous in the Mundane
A Giveaway to Celebrate 2 Years of Blogging at Of The Hearth!
On December 9th, 2012, I published my first post on OF THE HEARTH. Two years and 260 posts later, I’m celebrating the wonderful things that have happened here! One way I’m celebrating is by giving YOU an opportunity to win an gift card (see below for details). We’ve explored some interesting topics and engaged in some … [Read more...] about A Giveaway to Celebrate 2 Years of Blogging at Of The Hearth!
Be Grateful Throughout the Year
When I saw this meme on Facebook last November I was struck by its accuracy: I initially felt a little self-righteous as I read it. After all, I don’t complain on Facebook. In taking a good, honest look at myself, though, I see that my complaining occurs in person or via phone. What about you? Do you give thanks around the … [Read more...] about Be Grateful Throughout the Year
She’s Here!
It’s been pretty quiet at OF THE HEARTH over the last couple of weeks. Why? I’ve been occupied with this blessing: My husband, Preston, and I welcomed our daughter, Amaris Gail, on October 7th. Amaris means “promised by God” and Gail means “my father rejoices.” She weighed 8 lbs 9 oz and was 19 in long. She arrived a little … [Read more...] about She’s Here!
Modern Pregnancy Celebrations: Nurturing or Narcissistic?
After supporting many friends through pregnancies, I thought I had a pretty good grasp of the breadth of modern pregnancy celebrations. However, when my husband and I were finally blessed with a pregnancy this last spring, I quickly realized that I had no idea how pregnancy is celebrated by a large number of Americans. After announcing … [Read more...] about Modern Pregnancy Celebrations: Nurturing or Narcissistic?
Why I’m Glad We Don’t Have Cable or Satellite TV
A few weeks ago my husband and I had access to cable television because we were staying in a hotel for a couple of days. Though we have a TV in our living room, we don’t have cable or satellite for it. We typically enjoy having temporary access to cable. My husband will watch a couple games and other sports-related shows. Together we’ll … [Read more...] about Why I’m Glad We Don’t Have Cable or Satellite TV