Because we have many friends or followers on social media and we interact with these folks (often by “liking,” commenting on, or sharing posts), it seems like we are connected. However, this sense of connection is often an illusion. In fact, I bet many individuals walk away from time spent on social media feeling just as alone as they did … [Read more...] about Forming Genuine Friendships in the Age of Social Media
Rejuvenating Friendships
Finding Time for Friendship
A couple of weeks ago I was visiting with some friends about how busy life seems. We all agreed that when we were single and first married, we thought we were busy (and, to be fair, we did have many important things that occupied our time). However, now that we’re in the trenches of parenthood, we can’t believe that we felt so busy back then! … [Read more...] about Finding Time for Friendship
How to Have a Hospitality-Ready Heart
Last week we looked at some ways to have hospitality-ready homes. I mentioned several practical strategies, but one strategy—preparing to welcome guests with genuine enthusiasm—is not practical. Instead, it relates to the state of our hearts. In trying to prepare my heart for hospitality, I’ve found it useful to consider some things … [Read more...] about How to Have a Hospitality-Ready Heart
How to Have a Hospitality-Ready Home
This last summer, when I was 36 weeks pregnant, our AC stopped working. It was June and we live in southeast Texas, so you can imagine how hot it was in our house! I’ll never forget how two gracious friends invited us to stay with them until technicians were able to fix our AC. They had no warning, but these friends welcomed us into their … [Read more...] about How to Have a Hospitality-Ready Home
Calling Others on the Phone Can Be Hard—But It’s Worth It!
Today’s post is from AnneMarie, a guest contributor from Sacrifice of Love. I quickly peeled the foil wrapper off of the chocolate and popped the dark, slightly bitter morsel into my mouth. As I savored the creamy texture, my eyes glanced down at the wrapper that now lay empty on the table. A message, printed on the inside, gleamed up at … [Read more...] about Calling Others on the Phone Can Be Hard—But It’s Worth It!
Gifts for the Newlyweds Who Don’t Need Much
Today’s post is from AnneMarie, a guest contributor from Sacrifice of Love. As summer begins each year, my refrigerator typically begins to showcase at least one or two wedding invitations. Each wedding brings a lot of excitement, fun, and anticipation…and gift-giving. I like giving and receiving gifts, but I will be the first person to … [Read more...] about Gifts for the Newlyweds Who Don’t Need Much
What to Include in a Care Package for a Loved One with a Chronic Disease
Living with a chronic disease means facing many challenges. These challenges go beyond the physical consequences of the disease (which are significant enough) and include financial hardships, anxiety, and feelings of isolation. My husband and I are quite familiar with these challenges because I suffer from an autoimmune disease. One of … [Read more...] about What to Include in a Care Package for a Loved One with a Chronic Disease
Practicing Hospitality When Your Guests Have Food Allergies
Today we are going to tackle another question from a reader. Her question is highly relevant to me and I think many of you will find it relevant, too. Rosie in New Jersey asked the following: "It seems that everyone today has food allergies and intolerances. How do you safely welcome these folks into your home for dinner?" The … [Read more...] about Practicing Hospitality When Your Guests Have Food Allergies