If my husband and I hadn’t previously felt the full weight of the responsibility of home ownership, we’re certainly feeling it now. A kitchen sink that wasn’t draining and an appliance that wasn’t working reminded us that we don’t have a landlord to call for repairs.
These incidents highlighted the importance of performing routine maintenance on our home. Our home is a huge blessing and we’re committed to being faithful stewards of it. Routine maintenance is part of this stewardship.
Though it can be a challenge to complete these tasks because it takes a little effort and money today, it’ll likely save us a lot of inconvenience and expense tomorrow. With this in mind we looked into recommended home maintenance tasks and compiled a checklist of those that should be completed during the fall months. We’ll do the same in the coming seasons so we have a guide for keeping our home in tiptop shape.
(You can see a printable version of the checklist by clicking on the above image.)
It looks like we’ve got a lot of work to do! What about you? Do you perform routine maintenance on your home? What additional tasks would you add to this list?
Shared on the following link-ups:
Motivation Monday, Welcome Home Wednesday, Encourage One Another, Works for Me Wednesday, Titus 2sday, Teach Me Tuesday & Titus 2 Tuesday.
Very helpful!
I would add to check the basement for moisture. You’d want to catch any leaks or seepage early.
That’s a great addition!
We don’t have a basement, so I didn’t include it on the list. If you have one, though, that would definitely be something you want to keep an eye on.
Thank you for the reminders! Going to take advantage of this mild weather this week!
You’re welcome, Robbie! That’s exactly what we did this past weekend.
Good lists for inside and outside the home. My dh and I need to catch up on these chores this week. We’ve been so busy this fall that we haven’t made routine maintenance a priority.
Thanks for sharing your tips at Motivation Monday!
I was pleased to share it (and to find your site).
I hope things slow down a bit for you. 🙂