Do you ever hold back when pursuing the things you feel called to because you’re afraid you’ll stumble or fall? I sometimes do. I’ll become paralyzed by the doubts and concerns that swirl in my mind. What will happen if I fail? Will God be disappointed in me? Will my family and friends be disappointed in me? Perhaps I’m not really called to this. I don’t have strong enough faith for this.
I’m not just talking about big things, such as going overseas to be a missionary or changing careers. These fears assail us in the little things we’re called to do each day, too. Things like sharing about the Lord with a friend who is not a Christian, giving sacrificially to worthy ministries, taking time out of our busy schedules to serve our neighbors, and walking away from sins we often commit.
If you’ve ever felt this fear of stumbling or falling, then I hope you’ll take a moment to consider this picture:
My daughter was just 25 months old when she fearlessly began climbing this jungle gym at the playground. She’d never climbed it before, so she didn’t know if she would be successful. However, she was fearless.
She was fearless because she knew her daddy was behind her and that he would catch her if she fell. Just think about that for a moment.
We, too, have a daddy who stands behind us as we climb. Just as my husband will catch my daughter if she tumbles, our Heavenly Father will catch us if we fall.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
It’s so important that we understand this because the reality is that we will stumble every now and then. We’re human. Even though we have God’s forgiveness and the Holy Spirit living in us, we’re still fallible. We’ll make mistakes and fall short, but this shouldn’t hold us back.
We can boldly pursue the things we feel called to because He is there. He’ll catch us if we fall.
Do you ever struggle with fear because you may make mistakes or fail? What do you do to remind yourself that God is there to catch you if you fall?
Shared at the following:
Monday’s Musings, Grace and Truth, The Art of Home-Making, Coffee and Conversation, Faith Filled Wednesday, Encouraging Word Wednesday, and Moments of Hope.
Shannon, I love the photo! This is such a precious way to be reminded our God will hold us up with His hand. I am going to remember this picture all week!
Hi Joanne,
Honestly, I was hesitant to write much because I didn’t want to distract from the simple message conveyed in the photo. I’m so glad I caught the image!
Such a good reminder…. Those everlasting arms are precious. It is too easy to trust in our own pitiful strength, and miss trusting His. Thank you.
I know I struggle to trust. Indeed, it is a great reminder.
Shannon, thank you for this beautiful reminder! It’s such a simple concept to know in theory, but definitely is something that I need to practice more. The picture of your husband and daughter is so precious, too 🙂
Hi AnneMarie,
It is definitely a picture I treasure. I love the two people in it and I love the message it conveys!
That picture just warms my heart and I love the reminder that God is always there “spotting” me.
Exactly, Michele. It warms my heart, too. 🙂
You have encouraged my heart like I can’t even tell you today! Thank you so much! I absolutely love the picture you used to illustrate this truth, and I really needed the reminder that God upholds us with his very own hands. I would be thrilled if you would take a moment and share this post (or others!) with us at Encouraging Word Wednesday this week!
I’m so glad it encouraged you!
Thanks for letting me know about the link up, Charlie. I’ll take a look when I have a free moment.
Wonderful encouragement! Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, JES.
Thank-you for sharing this (especially the photo). I honestly think it’s one of the most powerful ways to visualize God -pictures of good fathers with their children. Thanks!
It is powerful! Thanks for stopping by, Brooke.