Many parents take photos of their kids when they are headed out the door or walking up to their classrooms on the first day of school. Recently, some families have begun having their kids hold cute signs that provide a little bit of info about themselves.
I take lots of photos of my kids, but I’ve never kept up with things like baby books or photo albums. I’m going to take photos anyway, so why not take a photo that includes a sign that displays some details I may one day want to remember? It’s a fantastic idea!
I didn’t want to purchase one of these, though there are many cute ones available for relatively low prices.
I’ve seen dozens available to download for free from the internet, but I couldn’t find one that meets our needs. Many of the signs are made to look like chalkboards. While aesthetically pleasing, I didn’t really want to use that much black ink while printing a sign. Those I’ve seen that don’t look like chalkboards include spaces to write the name of a child’s school and his or her teacher’s name. We homeschool, so it would be silly to write the same info year after year.
As you can see, I stopped looking for a suitable option and made my own sign instead. I’m sharing it here because some of you may like to use it.
(Click on the image to view and download a larger, printable version of the sign.)
I intend to use the same sign for a number of years, so I laminated it with self-laminating paper. I write in the details using dry erase markers. These markers easily wipe off the laminated surface (if it sticks, simply wipe with a washcloth or tissue that has a bit of rubbing alcohol on it). You can take this approach, or you can write directly on the sign and use a new one each year.
The school year has already begun for most of you, but I hope this will be helpful to some of you in the coming years!
How do you document the start of each school year? Do you have any special traditions for making memories?
Shared at the following:
Encouraging Hearts and Home, Over the Moon, and Busy Monday.