As I did this past fall and winter, I’ve made some simple worksheets to supplement the various materials we are using as we do preschool at home with my oldest daughter. I’m sharing these so you can print them and use them with your child!
(Click on the image below to view and download printable versions of the worksheets.)
Here are the activities and worksheets I’ve included in the materials:
- Prewriting practice worksheets (4)
- Dot sticker letter matching worksheet
- Number order puzzles (3)
- Scissor skills practice worksheet
- Images to use for pattern practice
- Shadow matching activity
- Spring scavenger hunt printable
All of these worksheets contain spring-themed images (flowers, chicks, bees, rain, etc.).
In general, these materials are suitable for children aged 3-4 years. When you print the pages, make sure “Fit” (not “Actual Size”) is selected as the “Page Sizing” setting of your print settings. This will help you avoid any issues with the margins. The documents are in color, but you can print them in greyscale if you want to avoid using color ink. Consider using self-adhesive laminating sheets if you’d like to make any of the pages durable so they can be used multiple times.
I hope you and your little one enjoy these as much as we have!
What sort of educational activities are you doing with your preschooler this spring? I’d love to hear your favorites!
Shared at the following:
Handmade Hangout, Awesome Life, Over the Moon, Modest Monday, Homemaking Linkup, and Friday Frivolity.
These look very helpful!
Thanks, Donna! I hope others are able to benefit from them.