I write posts on occasion that, when I started blogging over 10 years ago, I never could have envisioned myself writing! This post is one of those. I used cloth diapers for my eldest child. I continued using these for my middle child’s first six months of life. With my third child, I chose to use disposables. I assumed we would quickly move … [Read more...] about Pull-On Diaper Comparison
Is Motherhood Harder Today Than It Used to Be?
When I speak with other moms, there appears to be a growing consensus that motherhood is harder today than it used to be. Of course, it’s impossible to say for certain because many of today’s moms weren’t mothers 20-30 years ago, nor were any of us alive 200 or 2,000 years ago. Interestingly, it’s not just moms who feel that motherhood is more … [Read more...] about Is Motherhood Harder Today Than It Used to Be?
10 Benefits of Engaging in Family Traditions
Yesterday, my daughters completed a gratitude activity that we complete each year before Thanksgiving. In the coming days, they will help me prepare traditional Thanksgiving foods. Then, I’ll recount stories of past Christmases as we hang ornaments on the Christmas tree. We’ll place our handprint tree skirt under the tree after adding this … [Read more...] about 10 Benefits of Engaging in Family Traditions
DIY Tree Skirt with Kids’ Handprints
My husband and I didn’t have a tree skirt for our Christmas tree for the first several years we were married. It wasn’t until our firstborn child was 2 years of age and our middle child was about 6 months of age that I decided what I wanted in a tree skirt. I decided to make a simple tree skirt out of felt on which we could chronicle … [Read more...] about DIY Tree Skirt with Kids’ Handprints
9 Realistic Ways for Moms to Recharge
Mothering is hard work. In fact, it’s so challenging that saying it is “hard work” might be an understatement. As a stay-at-home mom of three young kids, I find it very difficult to recharge. I’m on the job 24/7. There’s no lunch break. There’s no vacation. Most of the time I can’t even go to the bathroom without a child hollering at me … [Read more...] about 9 Realistic Ways for Moms to Recharge
7 Ways to Help Your Kids Form Close Sibling Relationships
My sister and I were really close when we were growing up, but we also fought like cats and dogs. I’m seeing this same pattern emerge with my own kids. My three daughters are best of friends, but they sometimes feel frustrated with each other and end up fighting. Based on what I hear from other parents, this seems to be fairly typical. … [Read more...] about 7 Ways to Help Your Kids Form Close Sibling Relationships
The Dirty Truth About How Often Kids (and Adults) Need to Bathe
I know many families that include baths as part of their nightly bedtime routines. I always figured this would be the case in my household, but once I became a mom I realized that I didn’t have time to bathe my baby each day. Additionally, her pediatrician recommended that we bathe her no more than twice a week because she had … [Read more...] about The Dirty Truth About How Often Kids (and Adults) Need to Bathe
5 Reasons Hand-Me-Downs are Awesome
My daughters’ wardrobes are comprised primarily of used outfits. Thanks to the generosity of their grandparents, they each get a couple of brand new outfits each year. However, the vast majority of their clothes are hand-me-downs or items we’ve purchased from consignment stores. When I think of hand-me-downs, my mental images are of … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons Hand-Me-Downs are Awesome