The Bible is clear that all mankind is made in the image of God and that He shows no partiality towards people of any race (Genesis 1:27, Acts 10:34-35, Romans 2:9-11). Despite this and years of hard work by individuals promoting unity and equality, there is still a lot of racial discord in our nation. As we pause today to celebrate the … [Read more...] about 7 Things Christians Can Do To Promote Racial Unity
Book Review: Under Our Skin
You’d have to be living with your head buried in the sand to be unaware of the racial tensions that Americans face today. In an attempt to deepen my understanding of these tensions, I recently read Under Our Skin, a book written by an NFL player and commentator on social media named Benjamin Watson. Watson, a black man, does a wonderful … [Read more...] about Book Review: Under Our Skin
Calling Others on the Phone Can Be Hard—But It’s Worth It!
Today’s post is from AnneMarie, a guest contributor from Sacrifice of Love. I quickly peeled the foil wrapper off of the chocolate and popped the dark, slightly bitter morsel into my mouth. As I savored the creamy texture, my eyes glanced down at the wrapper that now lay empty on the table. A message, printed on the inside, gleamed up at … [Read more...] about Calling Others on the Phone Can Be Hard—But It’s Worth It!
Gifts for the Newlyweds Who Don’t Need Much
Today’s post is from AnneMarie, a guest contributor from Sacrifice of Love. As summer begins each year, my refrigerator typically begins to showcase at least one or two wedding invitations. Each wedding brings a lot of excitement, fun, and anticipation…and gift-giving. I like giving and receiving gifts, but I will be the first person to … [Read more...] about Gifts for the Newlyweds Who Don’t Need Much
What to Include in a Care Package for a Loved One with a Chronic Disease
Living with a chronic disease means facing many challenges. These challenges go beyond the physical consequences of the disease (which are significant enough) and include financial hardships, anxiety, and feelings of isolation. My husband and I are quite familiar with these challenges because I suffer from an autoimmune disease. One of … [Read more...] about What to Include in a Care Package for a Loved One with a Chronic Disease
4 Things Christians Should Stop Posting on Social Media (Part 2)
Last week I posed this question: If all that non-Christians know of Christianity is what they see from Christians on social media, then what is their understanding of our faith? We then looked at the first of four types of posts that I think Christians should avoid posting on social media. Let’s examine the remaining types of posts … [Read more...] about 4 Things Christians Should Stop Posting on Social Media (Part 2)
4 Things Christians Should Stop Posting on Social Media (Part 1)
If all that non-Christians know of Christianity is what they see from Christians on social media, then what is their understanding of our faith? I’ve been pondering this recently because I’m often shocked at the things I see Christians posting on their social media pages. There are some things we just need to avoid sharing. Here are … [Read more...] about 4 Things Christians Should Stop Posting on Social Media (Part 1)
Practicing Hospitality When Your Guests Have Food Allergies
Today we are going to tackle another question from a reader. Her question is highly relevant to me and I think many of you will find it relevant, too. Rosie in New Jersey asked the following: "It seems that everyone today has food allergies and intolerances. How do you safely welcome these folks into your home for dinner?" The … [Read more...] about Practicing Hospitality When Your Guests Have Food Allergies