I know some folks grow tired of the cold and dark of winter, but I live in such a warm location that I find winter to be an absolute delight! This year we were lucky enough to get snow, which my kids thoroughly enjoyed. Thankfully, winter isn’t over yet, so there’s always a chance it could happen again! I try to take advantage of every … [Read more...] about Favorite Winter Posts and an Update on Site Upgrades
just for fun
Favorite Fall Posts and an Update on Site Upgrades
A couple of weeks ago we had a cold front blow through. We woke to temperatures in the 60s. I was thrilled! I knew our daytime highs would soon be back in the 90s, so I resisted the urge to don a sweater and sit beneath a blanket while consuming a warm pumpkin-flavored beverage. However, I did put my fall wreath on our front door! Last … [Read more...] about Favorite Fall Posts and an Update on Site Upgrades
15 Fun and Memorable Back-to-School Traditions for Homeschoolers
My older kids sometimes lament that they are missing out on certain things because they’re homeschooled. For example, my middle child really wishes she could ride a school bus and my oldest child really wants a cute backpack in which to carry her books. Of course, due to their ages, they have a difficult time understanding that their peers … [Read more...] about 15 Fun and Memorable Back-to-School Traditions for Homeschoolers
Finally Fall
We recently drove up to our new house in our new city. When we woke the day after arriving, we were greeted by temperatures in the 50s and movers pulling up to the curb with a truck loaded with nearly all our earthly possessions. I don’t know which I was more excited to see! Having just come through the hottest summer of my life (nearly … [Read more...] about Finally Fall
2022 Year in Review
My husband asked me a couple of days ago if I’d ordered a new calendar to replace the 2022 version that is hanging on the front of our fridge. I hadn’t ordered one yet, but his question reminded me that—ready or not—2023 is about to begin! As we start this new year, I’m taking a moment to reflect on 2022. Winter I began the year by … [Read more...] about 2022 Year in Review
1,000 Posts and Counting
Though last week’s post was pretty ordinary, it was special for me. When I published it, I reached a milestone: 1,000 posts! When I began Of The Hearth nearly a decade ago, I had no idea what the coming years would hold. I knew very little about blogging or HTML code when I began. As I’ve learned and as my life has changed (having 3 … [Read more...] about 1,000 Posts and Counting
Today is Special Enough to Use the Special Things
I pulled a storage tub of old clothes out of my closet last week. These clothes have been in the tub since we moved into our current home two years ago. They’re in the tub and not hanging in the closet because they are too small for me to wear. When I packed them in there, I was hopeful I would eventually lose enough “baby weight” to fit in … [Read more...] about Today is Special Enough to Use the Special Things
How and Why to Play Charades with Young Kids
When my parents were visiting us a couple of months ago, they started playing charades with my oldest girls. We played charades about a dozen times during the couple of weeks they were here. It was side-splitting fun! When I say side-splitting, it’s not much of an exaggeration! One night, Mebop (what my kids call their grandfather) … [Read more...] about How and Why to Play Charades with Young Kids