Last week I noted a number of stressors that moms encounter regularly. I also noted that it is perfectly normal for moms to feel stress because challenging tasks, including parenting, increase the demands put on our bodies and minds (stress is our physiological and psychological response to these demands). We’re not at our best as … [Read more...] about Managing the Stress of Motherhood
Why Are Moms So Stressed Out?
Every mom I know feels stressed out. Like me, these moms love their kids and are so grateful to be moms, but they’re stressed. Researchers have found that adults who are parents often derive more purpose and meaning in life than adults who aren’t parents; however, they’ve also found that stress from a number of common stressors often … [Read more...] about Why Are Moms So Stressed Out?
High Fiber Foods that Kids (and Adults) Actually Like
As I noted last week, kids are at risk for developing constipation if they don’t have sufficient fiber intake. This is also true for adults. Not surprisingly, there are a number of additional benefits associated with consuming the right amount of fiber (source): Heart and circulatory health. Soluble fiber lowers total blood cholesterol … [Read more...] about High Fiber Foods that Kids (and Adults) Actually Like
Alleviating Constipation in Children
When I first began writing this blog, I wouldn’t have believed you if you would have told me that I’d someday be writing about the topic of constipation. However, here I am, writing a post on kids’ bowel habits. Motherhood sure makes you talk about a number of topics that once seemed inappropriate to discuss with strangers! I’d be … [Read more...] about Alleviating Constipation in Children
Use Bakeware Organizers to Store Kids’ Puzzles
A couple of months ago I shared some ideas I’d come across online for organizing kids’ puzzles. I was trying to find a storage solution for the puzzles we keep on a couple of shelves in our living room. There are several great ideas in that post, but we’ve ended up using kitchenware organizers to store our puzzles. We ordered 2 sets of … [Read more...] about Use Bakeware Organizers to Store Kids’ Puzzles
10 Alternatives to Parties for Celebrating Kids’ Birthdays
When my oldest child was about to have her first birthday, my husband and I decided that we were going to take a simple approach to celebrating birthdays. Now that a few years have passed and we have three kids, we’re so glad we’ve taken this approach! Though we believe that forgoing extravagant parties is right for our family, it’s … [Read more...] about 10 Alternatives to Parties for Celebrating Kids’ Birthdays
5 Reasons I No Longer Apologize for My Messy House
A couple of weeks ago one of my neighbors stopped by and asked if she could come in and visit for a few minutes. Though I have no desire to pretend like I have it all together, I do have a bit of pride and I was incredibly embarrassed regarding the state of my house. If I let her in, my neighbor would walk through a dining room that I … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons I No Longer Apologize for My Messy House
5 Ways a Tub of Ready-to-Eat Snacks Benefits My Family
Snack time used to be one of my least favorite times of day. Sometimes my kids would sit down at the table and make requests (this was often for snacks I didn’t have on hand and, of course, each child would want something different). Other times I would offer one item (or let them choose between two items) and they would grumble because they … [Read more...] about 5 Ways a Tub of Ready-to-Eat Snacks Benefits My Family