Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, you likely see Halloween paraphernalia, including masks, in stores during the fall months.
Children who are in search of treats aren’t the only ones who wear masks. As we attempt to be “good” Christian women we often wear them, too.
Why we wear masks
We wear masks when we don’t want our true selves to be seen. Sometimes we portray ourselves as energetic, joyful, and capable wives and moms when we’re really tired, overwhelmed, and barely keeping it all together. Sometimes we smile and laugh with our friends when we’re really feeling pain and loss inside. Other times we attend (and sometimes lead) church activities while we’re struggling with questions about the reality of God’s goodness or the veracity of Scripture.
Just as Adam and Eve attempted to hide their shame after they’d sinned in Eden (Genesis 3:1-8), we often hide behind masks because we’re ashamed of our fears, weaknesses, and inadequacies.
The benefits of putting down our masks
What would happen if we put down our masks and were real and vulnerable with those around us?
- We wouldn’t have to bear our burdens alone. We shouldn’t live and support one another in Christian community simply because it’s nice or convenient—we should do so out of obedience. God instructed us to encourage each other and bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, & Hebrews 10:24-25). He created us to walk in community.
- We could learn from one another. Many times the people around us have wisdom they can speak into our circumstances (Proverbs 11:14 & Proverbs 27:17). They may have useful advice because they’ve experienced something similar to the things we’re currently experiencing. Other times they can make sense of our situations because they have outside perspectives.
- We could find strength in numbers. Sharing our fears and inadequacies with others allows us to face them as a team. Our shared efforts will get us further than our individual efforts (Ephesians 4:16, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, & Matthew 18:20).
Sounds nice, doesn’t it? I think it’s time for me to closely consider which masks I wear and begin setting them aside.
Which masks do you wear? Have you found ways to take them off and be vulnerable?
Shared on the following link-ups:
Living Proverbs 31, From House to Home, Thriving Thursdays, Encourage One Another, WholeHearted Home, Works for Me Wednesday, and Welcome Home Wednesday.
I’m grateful for the progress made in this area but I know there are still masks I wear that I need to lay down. Thank you for this needed message this morning. I loved the three benefits you shared…such good wisdom! Blessings to you.
Thanks, Beth. Grace as you continue to make progress!
I am encouraged today to get rid of another one…this has been helpful. something has just clicked and I need to repent of holding onto unforgiveness and pretending I am fine. Thank You. Excellent.
I’m so glad you found it to be encouraging, Jacqueline.
Thanks for sharing about pretending to be fine while holding onto unforgiveness. You’ve reminded me to search my heart and make sure I’m not doing the same.
Excellent reminder! We all have our burdens that we feel others will not understand because it only happened to me. I do feel that all we have to do is look around us and reach out to others and they will in turn reach out to us. It is always so much nicer to have another shoulder and to offer a shoulder to someone else. Thanks for a great post!
This is such an important truth. Thank you so much for sharing it. We we would love for you to share this and any other of your posts at our link up at our blog. http://rosevinecottagegirls.blogspot.com/2013/10/photos-from-cottage-link-up-3.html
Thanks for sharing about your link-up!
Love this!! We were created to be authentic and transparent, yet since the Garden of Eden, we’ve been hiding…first behind fig leaves, now behind masks of who we want the world to think we are. THANK YOU for sharing this!!
Stopping over from The Excellent Wife’s Proverbs 31 Link Up!
You’re welcome, Sherry!
I love your challenge to us, Shannon! I’m working on discovering some of the masks I wear in a recovery group I’m leading at my church. I know that one mask I, unfortunately, “like” to wear is “image management.” I want to be the one who determines how I look and what or how much I reveal, not fully surrendering that to Christ. I’m realizing more and more this ugly truth about myself and ever so slowly turning it over to God. Thanks for this wise and powerful post, my friend! I think this is my first time to visit your blog, but I’ll be back!
Hi Beth,
I, too, wear the “image management” mask all too often. Thanks for opening up about that.
Yes, if we put down our masks we would be transparent with others and it would be amazing how we would grow closer with friends and be able to encourage each other so much easier.