So much of motherhood is about just surviving today. I can have patience today when my toddler throws a fit. I can manage to get the kitchen mopped today. We can make it through the grocery store without incident today. At the same time, so much of motherhood is about looking forward. When will my child reach the next developmental milestone? What supplies do I need for the upcoming school year? What vacation should we plan to take this summer?
As we’re surviving today and planning for tomorrow, we often find ourselves unable to focus on and savor what is happening today. Over the past couple of weeks, the Lord has been highlighting to me why today (and every day) is so important for our kids.
Today we can put Deuteronomy 6:5-9 into practice.
God’s Word makes it clear that parents have the responsibility of teaching their children about Him.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:5-9
When are we supposed to pass along to our children knowledge of God and His commands? When we sit at home. When we walk along the road. When we lie down for bed and rise from bed. When do we do these activities? Every single day.
It is in our daily activities—as routine and monotonous as they may sometimes seem—that we are able to practically apply Deuteronomy 6:5-9. Today we can read to our children from Scripture. Today we can teach them to pray. Today we can model for them how to love and give.
Today we can teach our children to be faithful in the little things.
Because we must complete so many tasks each day, we have innumerable opportunities to teach our children how to be faithful in the little things. Whether we’re doing laundry, cleaning a bathroom, or making dinner, we can show our children what it means to complete our work with all of our hearts (Colossians 3:23). We can teach them that by being faithful in these little things, the Lord sees that we can be trusted with larger things (Luke 19:17).
Today we can make memories that we will treasure forever.
This last point seems somewhat pale in comparison to the previous two because it is less consequential. It is, however, still important. You’ve probably heard the saying that the days are long, but the years are short. I don’t think there is any time that this is more evident to us than when we have young children in our homes.
Somehow, in what seems like the blink of an eye, my firstborn has grown from a tiny, helpless baby into a little girl who is becoming increasingly independent and can voice many of her needs. Years from now, when she’s a teenager or even when she becomes a mother herself, I want to remember the precious moments I’ve shared with her. I want to remember the sound of her laughter. I want to remember the way she loves asking “What’s this?” as she points at every object she sees. I want to remember the silly ways she dances when we sing songs.
I don’t want these memories just for me. I want them for her. I want her to remember laughing with mommy and daddy. I want her to remember that I patiently answered her questions. I want her to remember dancing as we sang songs.
These types of memories are made when we take our kids to the park, play on the floor with them, and invite them to work beside us as we complete our tasks. Don’t get me wrong—it’s good and right for us to complete tasks that require our children to play on their own. However, it’s also critical that we take time each and every day to engage with our kids so we know what is happening in their lives, they know how much they matter to us, and we can make these memories.
As we work to survive today and plan for tomorrow, let’s not miss today’s opportunities!
Do you find it easy to focus on today or are you often in survival mode? How much time do you spend thinking about and planning for what comes next? In what ways do you take advantage of today’s opportunities to teach your children and to make memories?
Shared at the following link parties:
Coffee and Conversation, Shine Blog Hop, Grace and Truth, Making Your Home Sing, Monday’s Musings, The Art of Home-Making, Titus 2 Tuesday, Tuesday Talk, and Faith Filled Wednesday.
Such a helpful and timely reminder. Thank you!
I’m pleased to share it with you, Sarah. I know that it’s a reminder I need every day.
Beautiful. This is such a scripturally sound concept, because all we really have promised to us is today — and the grace of God for all that we need to do on this day.
Thanks, Michele. Thank God that He gives us that grace for each day!
This is so true, thanks for the reminder to keep ourselves balanced!! It’s a conscious effort I have to put forth to stop whatever I’m doing and focus on what my daughter is saying to me, especially when she gets home from school – she is just bursting at the seams sometimes and can’t wait to tell me all about her day – and I have to really pay attention to what she’s saying or else the teaching opportunity may be lost. I do want her to remember that I took the time to listen to her and be there for her because those are great memories in themselves.
Hi Monique,
It does take a lot of conscious effort, doesn’t it? Thanks for sharing about your experience. We all face similar situations and want to take advantage of those teaching opportunities and create those memories.
This is so true, Shannon! I have a friend who is being treated for cancer. She has a young daughter and worries about her future. I keep reminding her that all we ever have is now. It is a message as much for me as it is for her, and it has helped us both. Even though we are wise to plan for the future, we should trust God enough to live today fully for Him; spreading His peace and love to this thirsty world and starting with those closest to us. Thanks for a great reminder.
Hi Carlie,
Your friend’s situation is a powerful reminder of the importance of today! I will pray for her and her daughter.
I love this Shannon! You are so right. So much of motherhood is about being 2 steps ahead of your child, and it’s often hard to just let it all be–even for just a moment. This is such a great reminder that we should be present with them; that we should cherish the milestone that they’re in instead of anticipating what’s next. Because as we all know, time with our kids is fleeting, so we might as well enjoy them in the now, instead of waiting for what’s to come, right? Thanks for sharing this on #shinebloghop today!
Hi Maria,
Exactly…and it doesn’t just happen. We really have to be intentional about it.
I needed this reminder to be intentional about talking about God to my son. He will be turning 2 this month and doesn’t say a whole lot of words yet, but I know that he understands what we say. Thank you for sharing the scripture that clearly states when and how to talk to our children about God!
Hi Emily,
They do understand a lot, don’t they? It’s so important that we start when they are young so we’re in the habit of doing it as they get older!
Great post! Something I struggle with daily: being present with my children and embracing the ordinary opportunities to teach them about the faith!
It’s challenging, but truly worth it, Hannah. Thanks for stopping by!
I don’t have young children in my house anymore. But I know that today still counts for your kids even when they are older. My oldest son will be moving to another state for college in the fall and I’ve determined to make every day count while he is still under my roof b/c the reality is that he probably won’t return to live here four years from now. My oldest daughter is on the cusp of marriage and will be gone soon too. So I’ve put down my phone, and walk away from my computer (TV/screens) to just be present in whatever he or she is doing so that when my time with them living here is over, I won’t be saying ‘I wish I had.’
Thanks, Karen, for sharing your perspective as the mom of older kids. I think we all want to avoid being in that place where we wish we’d done things differently.
This is excellent encouragement! Thank you for sharing it on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! 🙂
You’re welcome, JES. Thanks for stopping by!
Good morning! This is just a little note to let you know this article has been * featured * today for our monthly feature on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! Thank you for joining us and have a lovely week! 🙂
P.S. We hope to see you at this week’s link up!
Thanks so much! This is a critical concept for all of us moms. I hope it is a great encouragement to your readers!