I hope you and your family fared well if you were affected by the recent cold snap that touched much of the U.S. We had a pipe freeze, but thankfully we were able to thaw it without incurring any damage. This incident served as a reminder that it’s time to see to winter home maintenance tasks.
In my household, we’re committed to completing routine home maintenance because it is one way we can be good stewards of our home. We’ve looked into recommended home maintenance tasks and have compiled checklists of the tasks that should be completed during each season. You can find the fall home maintenance checklist here. I’ve provided the winter home maintenance checklist below. I’ll provide the spring and summer checklists in the coming months.
(Click on the above image to view and download a larger, printable version of the checklist.)
The nature of the seasons dictates that the bulk of routine maintenance tasks be completed in the fall and spring, so you should be able to complete the winter tasks pretty quickly. A little time and effort exerted today can save a lot of inconvenience and expense tomorrow!
What additional tasks would you add to this list?
I am in the mortgage industry. I see so many inspections and appraisals that have repairs required in an effort to sell a home. Some of these repairs could have been avoided by just taking care of the problem ahead of time. By the time it is on my desk it is “Deferred Maintenance” and needs to be addressed before a loan can be done for a purchaser of the home. This time of year, it is much more difficult to address than if it was completed during the warmer months. Thanks!
I’m sure you’ve seen the worst of it. A stitch in time saves nine, right?