Seven years ago I published a Month-by-Month Buying Guide that detailed when stores typically have particular items available on sale or at their lowest prices of the year. Sometimes items are at low prices because of tradition (for example, January “white sales”) and other times they are at low prices for practical reasons (for example, Christmas trees on clearance to clear out inventory after Christmas).
Regardless of the specific reason why an item is cheaper at a particular time, it is super helpful to know when you can purchase it at a more affordable price. I’ve updated the guide I created seven years ago so it includes additional items and reflects changes that have occurred during the intervening years.
(Click on the image to view and download a larger, printable version of the guide.)
I’ve printed this and I keep it in our home management binder for easy access. Hopefully you will find it as helpful as we have.
What additional items would you add? What items do you purchase at particular times of the year because they are cheaper at those times?